
1/48 Soyuz Dust Down


Kit of Soyuz after landing. Parachute cords and diorama base are not included.

Decals for 4 missions are included:
Soyuz 19: Leonov, Kubasov - Apollo Soyuz Test Project
Soyuz 28: Gubarev, Remek - first Czech in space (and now after joining EU also first EU man in space)
Soyuz 30: Klimuk, Hermaszewski - first Pole in space
Soyuz 31: Bykowski, Jahn - first German in space

Included are 2 cosmonaut figures:

You can choose between:
1 standing + 1 kneeing cosmonaut signing capsule (specify product as NW049SK) - recommended for missions, for which we have included signatures decal for capsule: Soyuz 19 and Soyuz 31 (see also finished Soyuz 31 mission model photos)
2 standing cosmonauts (specify product as NW049SS) - recommended for missions, where we have not included signatures decal for capsule: Soyuz 28 and Soyuz 30
Author of these cosmonaut figures is Ignacio Bernacer Alpera (see another his products NW044 or NW045).