Small Encyclopedia of Astronautics

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Only this page here is in English.

[ Introduction | News in astronautics | News on this site | Czech index ]
Abstract :
Basics of astronautics - theory and technology of astronautics
Rockets and cosmodromes - list some rockets and cosmodromes
Unmanned spaceflights - satellites and planetary probes
Manned spaceflights - spaceflights with man on board
Astronautics in the Czech Republic - and what is in our country
News in astronautics - what is happening now
Astronauts listing - list of astronauts and their biography
Spacecrafts listing - list of all spacecrafts (launched since 1957)
Space HotList - another astronautics informations on Internet

Copyright (c) 1996-2023 Aleš HOLUB (

Pokud není uvedeno jinak, jsou použité fotografie z NASA (viz. Using NASA Imagery) a dalších volně přístupných zdrojů.