NW069 1/148 Lunar Module's MESA (H mission,
Apollo 11-14)
This MESA (Modular Equipment Stowage Assembly) set is intended to use together with any release of Monogram's (now Revell's) 1/48 First Lunar Landing kit. The set may fit well with any other 1/48 Lunar Module kit including original Revell's kit. Set includes 60 parts.
There are more planned LM detail sets:
NW068 1/48 Lunar Module detail set - already released
NW069 1/48 Lunar Module's MESA - already released
NW070 1/48 Lunar Module's ALSEP (instruments for placing on Lunar
surface) - we hope to release this set by end of 2007
We are planning to work in 2008 on similar sets for J MISSION LM
(APOLLO 15-17).
I am recommending use these sets in dependence on in which situation you are going to build your LM:
- LM attached to Apollo CSM: NW068
- LM on descent to lunar surface: NW068
- LM after landing before commander leaved the crew cabin: NW068
- "Small step for man": NW068 + NW069 (MESA is already
deployed, but still wrapped in foil
- Early work on the surface (collecting first samples etc.) -
NW068 + NW069
- Later work on the surface: NW068 + NW069 + NW070
Note: even if going to build the "later work on the surface" diorama, you can build the whole LM first (ALSEP bay doors were opened only in the moment of removing instrument palets from it, after that were closed again).
As at the moment we have not yet taken photos of set parts, please look in instruction sheets preview to see what the set is including: