NW059 1/144 Thorad SLV-2H Agena D


The Thor missile program was initiated in December 1954, when USAF headquarters issued requirement for a tactical missile intended to travel a distance of between 1 150 and 2 300 miles. Thor was undertaken as a high-risk program having the goal of achieving flight within the shortest possible time. The Thor had its first complete launch pad test in January 1957 and a full-range flight test in September 1957.
The Thor-Agena D was first used on 28 June 1962 to launch a classified Air Force payload from Western Test Range. The Model DSV-2L series booster, or Thrust Augmented Long Tank Thor made its first appearance in the Thor-Agena D system on 9 August 1966, when it was used to launch classified Air Force payload. The new booster has its liquid propellant capacity increased by 43 percent and augmented with 3 Thiokol solid propellant motors.
The OGO (Orbiting Geophysical Observatory) spacecrafts were designed for NASA's Goddard Space Flight Center by TRW to conduct correlated investigations of geophysical and solar phenomena in the earth's atmosphere and magnetosphere and in interplanetary space.
The OGO 6 was launched on 5 June 1969 during a period of high sunspot activity. This spacecraft studied the ionosphere and polar auroral regions. The major emphasis was on investigating the interrelationships among particle activity, aurora and airglow, the geomagnetic field, neutral and ionized composition, wave propagation and noise, and solar energy contributing to ionization and heating.