NW040 Redstone tactical missile

In July 1951, Von Braun and his team began to build a large guided missile - Redstone. To power this missile, North American Aviation scaled up a V-2 engine, that burned a liquid oxygen-alcohol fuel. During the powered portion of flight, control of the missile came from carbon vanes located in the engine exhaust and after that from air rudders on the tip of each fin. It was determined that the range and accuracy could be increased if the warhead separated from the booster after engine burnout. The warhead section had four air vanes to control the final trajectory to target after separation. The warhead was
W-39 thermonuclear device with an explosive force of 2.5 megatons. The Redstone was considered an intermediate-range ballistic missile (IRBM) and was designed to be launched in the field and became operational in 1958. Redstones were deployed in Europe until 1964 when the Army replaced the Redstone with the smaller and more mobile Pershing missile system.